Training Opportunities

The Office of Foundation Relations holds grant training sessions throughout the academic year. The purpose of these trainings is to build familiarity with OSU grant resources and each part of the successful grant request process. Trainings are developed with colleges, departments, or offices to meet specific needs and fill knowledge gaps. Ultimately, the grant training program aims to increase overall private funding through grants.

Links to recent grant training materials can be found below. If you or your unit would like to host a faculty grant training, please contact Elizabeth Ocampo.


 Date Topic
 02-26-2025 Open Door - How to Partner with the OSU Foundation
 10-30-2024 Tips and Tricks Using Feedback
 10-30-2024 OSU Foundation and Foundation Relations 101
 01-31-2024 CAS Foundation Relations Introduction
 11-02-2023 Prospect Research, Speaking a Grantmaker's Language & Writing an LOI
 05-10-2023 Introduction to Foundation Relations & Public vs. Private Funding
 05-10-2023 Prospect Research & Components of a Private Grant Proposal
 04-12-2023 Introduction to the Office of Foundation Relations
 04-05-2023 Private vs. Public Funding Agencies
 01-14-2022 Writing a Letter of Intent in Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences
 05-25-2021 OSUF Foundation Relations Overview
 02-22-2019 Evaluation Metrics & Logic Models
 01-18-2019 Budgets & Budget Narratives