Endowed and Named Faculty Support Funds
Endowed and named faculty support funds provide reliable and lasting support for generation after generation of faculty. These gifts honor nationally and internationally known scholars, educators, researchers and leaders in their fields – empowering
them to undertake groundbreaking research, develop exceptional learning opportunities for students and forge new paths in their field.
Read the stories below to learn about the 180+ endowed and named faculty support funds across Oregon State University, and meet the visionary donors who have created them.
College of Agricultural Sciences
Paul G. and Sandra A. Arbuthnot Professor
Baggett-Frazier Vegetable Breeder Professor
Bob and Barbara Bailey Master Gardener Professor
Terence Bradshaw Leadership Academy Professor
Emery Castle Chair in Resource and Rural Economics
Endowed Chair for Marine Mammal Research
Endowed Faculty in Whale Habitats
N.B. and Jacqueline Giustina Professor in Turf Management
Glenn and Mildred Harvey Professor
Grover Family Endowed Chair in Sustainable Urban Landscapes
Hatfield Marine Science Center Endowed Director
William C. Hoffman Professorship in Animal and Rangeland Sciences
George R. Hyslop Professor for Oregon Grass Seed Research and
Jacobs-Root Endowed Professor in Food Science and Technology
Klamath Basin Potato
Endowed Faculty Scholar
Warren Kronstad Wheat Research Chair
Dr. Hiram G. Larew Endowed Faculty Scholar in Botany and Plant Pathology Global Engagement
Reub A. Long Professor
Bob and Phyllis Mace Watchable Wildlife Chair
Bruce and Mary Lou Mate Animal-borne Technology Faculty Scholar
Miner Faculty Scholar in Biological and Ecological Engineering
Miner Professor of Biological and Ecological Engineering
Morrow Professor for Natural Resources Extension Education and Applied Research
Northwest Berry Production and Management Professor
Nor'Wester Professor in Fermentation Science
Richard and Betty O'Brien Professor of Extension Viticulture
Oregon Dairy Farmers Association Faculty
Scholar in Dairy Production and Management
Oregon Dairy Industries - Bodyfelt Professor
Oregon Hazelnut Industry Endowed Professor
Oregon Potato Research/Extension Professor in honor of Marty Myers
Oregon Wheat Faculty Scholar
Walther H. Ott Professor in Poultry Science
Polar Marine Science Endowed Faculty Scholar in the Marine Mammal Institute
Harold E. and Leona M. Rice Professor in Systematic Entomology
Jaclyn J. Rusch Faculty Scholar
in Food Science
Y. Sherry Sheng and Spike Wadsworth Garden Biodiversity Professor
Withycombe Chair
in Reproductive Physiology
James and Judith Atwood Youde Faculty Scholar
College of Business
Betty S. Henry Amundson Faculty Scholar in Ethics
Shirley E. Droschkey Professor
Sara Hart Kimball Dean of the College of Business
L. W. "Bill" Lane Professor in Family Business Management
Scott and Loni Parrish Chair in the College of Business
Mary Ellen Phillips Professor in Financial Accounting
Al Reser Chair in Entrepreneurship
Laura B. Smith Faculty Scholar
Toomey Faculty Fellow
Jack and Virginia Wilborn Endowed Professor in Business
College of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences
Barrow Family Chair in Mineral Resource Geology
Henry L. and Grace Doherty Endowed Professorship in Ocean and Climate Sciences
Hollis M. Dole Professor in Geosciences
George and Danielle Sharp Endowed Faculty Scholar in Field Geology
Rohm Professor in Oceanographic Education
Robert S. Yeats Professor in Earthquake Geology and Active Tectonics
College of Engineering
Ron and Judy Adams Faculty Scholar
Amonsen-Voss Endowed Faculty Chair in Engineering Innovation
Boeing Professor of Mechanical Engineering Design
Callahan Faculty Scholar in Chemical Engineering
Robert and Meredith Chapman Professorship in Water Supply and Reclamation
CH2M HILL Professor in Civil Engineering
College of Engineering Dean's Professor
Culbertson Faculty Scholar
Cecil and Sally Drinkward Professor in Structural Engineering
Miles Lowell and Margaret Watt Edwards
Distinguished Chair in Engineering
Richard and Gretchen Evans Professor in Humanitarian Engineering
Michael and Judith Gaulke Chair in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Michael and Judith Gaulke Chair in Ocean Innovation
Bruce and Linda Hamilton Endowed Faculty in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Ralph W. and Gail H. Hendrickson Professorship in Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
Eric H.I. and Janice Hoffman Professor in Civil and Construction Engineering
Glenn Willis Holcomb Professor in Structural Engineering
Peter and Rosalie Johnson Chair in Chemical, Biological & Environmental Engineering
Kearney Dean of Engineering
Kearney Faculty Scholar
James and Shirley Kuse Chair in Chemical Engineering
Brent and Elaine Leback Professor in Engineering
Ruth and Andrew Lim Faculty Scholar
John and Jean Loosley Faculty Fellow
Jack R. Meredith Endowed Faculty Scholar
Nesbitt Faculty Scholar in Energy Engineering
Jim and Billie Plasker Faculty Scholar in Geomatics
Hal Pritchett Chair in Construction Engineering Management
Scott and Carol Schaeffer Endowed Chairs
Henry W. and Janice J. Schuette Endowed Chair in Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Health Physics
Henry W. and Janice J. Schuette Professor in Nuclear Science and Engineering
Stephen Slavens Faculty Scholar in Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering
Doug and Jana Tindall Civil and Construction Engineering Faculty Scholar
Tykeson Faculty Scholar in Energy Systems Engineering
Warwick Family Engineering Faculty Scholar
Welty Faculty Fellow
James R. Welty Professor in Thermal-Fluid Sciences
Tom and Carmen West Faculty Scholar
Robert C. Wilson Faculty Scholar
College of Forestry
Dodd and Nancy Fischer Family College of Forestry Faculty Fellow
Cheryl Ramberg Ford and Allyn C. Ford Dean of the College of Forestry
Ford Chair in Advanced Wood Manufacturing
Ford Chair in Integrative Forestry and Manufacturing
N.B. and Jacqueline Giustina
Professor in Forest Management
Edmund Hayes Professor in Silviculture Alternatives
JELD-WEN Chair in
Wood-Based Composite Sciences
Gene D. Knudson Forestry Chair
Wes Lematta Professor in Forest Engineering
Maybelle Clark Macdonald Director of Tribal Initiatives in Natural Resources
Maybelle Clark Macdonald Professor of Teaching Excellence in Forestry
Ward K. Richardson
Family Forestry Faculty Endowment
Ruth H. Spaniol Chair of Renewable Resources
Starker Chair in Private and
Family Forestry
Faye and Lucille Stewart Professor in Forest Engineering
Richard Strachan Chair in Forest Operations Management
Richard Strachan Faculty Scholar in Fire and
Richard Strachan Faculty Scholar in Logging Technology
College of Health
Chair of Equity and Inclusion for People with Disabilities
Celia Strickland Austin and G. Kenneth Austin III Endowed Professor
Hallie Ford Director for the Center for Healthy Children and Families
IMPACT for Life Faculty Scholar
Barbara Emily Knudson Chair in Family Policy
Jo Anne Leonard Director of the Center for Healthy Aging Research
Cheryl J. Lutz Miller Professor
Moore Family Center Endowed Director
Moore Family Endowed Program Manager
Jo Anne Leonard Petersen Chair in Gerontology and Family Studies
Robert and Sara Rothschild Endowed Chair in Global Health
Katherine E. Smith Healthy Children and
Families Professor
Ann Worthington Endowed Faculty Scholar in Neurodegenerative Disease
College of Liberal Arts
U.G. Dubach Chair in Political Science
Thomas Hart and Mary Jones Horning Chair in the Humanities
Raymond Oelke Endowed Faculty Fellow in the Arts
Hundere Chair in Religion and Culture
Oregon Professor of English
Gene and Eleanor Otwell Chair for University Orchestras
Patricia Valian Reser Chair
Patricia Valian Reser Professor of Music
Patricia Valian Reser Artist in Residence
Cairns K. Smith
Faculty Scholar
College of Science
Chuck and Robin Armstrong and Family Professor in Basic ScienceTerence Bradshaw Chemistry Professor
Thomas P. Cavaiani Professor in Mathematics
Bert and Emelyn Christensen Professor
Joel Davis Faculty Scholar in Mathematics
College of Science Faculty Scholar
Excellence in Microbiology Faculty Scholar
Dr. Russ and Dolores Gorman Faculty Scholar
Milton Harris Chair of Materials Science
Eileen and Norbert Hartmann Faculty Scholar
Nambiar Family Faculty Scholar
Helen M. and Paul J. Janos Endowed Chair of Mycorrhiza Ecology
Emile F. Pernot Distinguished Professor in Microbiology
Patricia Valian Reser Faculty Scholar
Harold E. and Leona M. Rice Professor in Systematic Entomology
Stewart Chair in Gene Research
Wayne and Gladys Valley Chair in Marine Biology
Whiteley Faculty Scholar
Carlson College of Veterinary Medicine
Lois Bates Acheson Dean
Camden Faculty Scholar
Camden Professor
Chris and Tom Levy Professor in Small Animal Health
Dr. Kris Otteman and Dr. Jeff Brant Faculty Fellow in Small Animal Medicine
Glen Pfefferkorn and Morris Wendorf Endowed Professor of Camelid Medicine
Erin and Mary Power Endowed Faculty Scholar
Hatfield Marine Sciences Center, Marine Mammal Institute
Endowed Chair for Marine Mammal Research
Hatfield Marine Science Center Endowed Director
Endowed Faculty in Whale Habitats
Linus Pauling Institute
Joan H. Facey Linus Pauling Institute Professor
Burgess and Elizabeth Jamieson Chair in Healthspan Research
Linus Pauling Institute Endowed Chair and Director
Ava Helen Pauling Chair
Helen P. Rumbel Professor for Healthy Aging Research
Helen P. Rumbel Professorship in Micronutrient Research
Margaret W. Terrill Linus Pauling Research Innovator Faculty Scholar