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Additional Resources

Athletics | Tickets, schedule
Housing and Dining | Move in, rentals, dietary needs, etc.
Groome Transportation | Airport shuttle
Student Alumni Ambassadors | Sign up and get involved! Scholarship opportunities available. 
Student Health Services | Fees, hours
Student Leadership & Involvement | Find an organization, resources, upcoming events
Transportation Services | Transportation options, parking, Beaver Bus 
Welcome Week | Schedule of events

Resources for Parents

"How to Raise an Adult" | Parenting expert, Julie Lythcott-Haims, spoke to alumni and parents of prospective OSU students. Here's a video of her presentation on preparing your student for adulthood.
Regional Networks | Parents can join us for events in your area!
OSU Parents and Family | Stay informed and involved as partners in the education of your student.
OSU Family Weekend | Don't miss this tradition each Fall and Spring. 

Becoming a Student Alumni Ambassador is a great way to get connected with campus administrators,  alumni and other students while learning valuable professional and leadership skills.

Student Alumni Ambassador office

204 CH2M HILL Alumni Center
Corvallis, OR 97331
541-737-2351 or 877-678-2837


Mamta Chowdhury, director of early engagement