Welcome to OSU
Additional Resources
Athletics | Tickets, schedule
Housing and Dining | Move in, rentals, dietary
needs, etc.
Groome Transportation | Airport shuttle
Student Alumni Ambassadors |
Sign up and get involved! Scholarship opportunities available.
Student Health Services | Fees, hours
Student Leadership & Involvement | Find an organization, resources, upcoming events
Transportation Services | Transportation options, parking, Beaver Bus
Welcome Week | Schedule of events
Resources for Parents
"How to Raise an Adult" | Parenting expert, Julie Lythcott-Haims, spoke to alumni and parents of prospective OSU students. Here's
a video of her presentation on preparing your student for adulthood.
Regional Networks |
Parents can join us for events in your area!
OSU Parents and Family | Stay informed and involved as partners in the education
of your student.
OSU Family Weekend | Don't miss this tradition each Fall and Spring.
Becoming a Student Alumni Ambassador is a great way to get connected with campus administrators,
Student Alumni Ambassador office
204 CH2M HILL Alumni CenterCorvallis, OR 97331
541-737-2351 or 877-678-2837
Mamta Chowdhury, director of early engagement