The OSU Air Force ROTC Alumni Group
Keeping OSU Air Force ROTC Alumni Connected
OSU Air Force ROTC alumni are members of one of the most diverse, talented and involved OSU affinity groups. The group is an extension to the broader alumni association. Our board stays in contact by email and members stay connected through The Wingspan, a free, monthly email newsletter.
Our alumni are active duty and retired Air Force officers, teachers, doctors, lawyers, entrepreneurs, engineers, and social workers. They are employed in the government, private and non-profit sector. We are glad you've found us! Let's get started...
How can I help?
Get Involved.
The OSU Air Force ROTC Alumni participate in the life of the university. Here are six ideas to get you going:
- Join the OSUAA
- Volunteer on a working committee
- Provide mentorship and support for undergraduate and graduate Air Force ROTC students
- Support efforts in raising funds for the Silver Talon Drill Team Endowment Fund. Donate by entering, 'Silver Talon Endowment fund' when asked the area you would like to support
- Visit your local junior high and high school and talk to students and their parents about your AFROTC experience at OSU
How the Board of Directors Operates
The OSU Air Force ROTC Alumni Group is governed by a Board of Directors. The Board will provide guidance to the Group. Volunteers for the Board will be solicited from readers on distribution for The Wingspan. The Board will choose additional or replacement members from volunteers as necessary to ensure they fully represent the OSU AFROTC Alumni Group. All decisions of the Board will be through consensus. The Board President works collaboratively with the board and reports to the OSU Alumni Association, and engages on a monthly conference call with university leadership.
Serve on the Board or Committees
Providing leadership on the board of directors is an honor and privilege, and a great responsibility. The committees include: reunion, scholarship, fundraising, and membership. Each director serves as Chair and reports back to the board.
To join the email list for The Wingspan, please send your name, email address and association with/interest in the OSU AFROTC program to Paul Jones: pjonesjr2000@sbcglobal.net.
Other resources