Welcome back, Beaver family!

We know that things haven’t been easy lately. But take these reminders to heart: You are strong. You are resilient. You have Beavers on your side. Even in the hardest times when you may forget just how much you’re capable of.

If your motivation takes a tumble, look to your alumni community and stay the course. They’ve been in your shoes are they’re here to remind you that the steep climb is worth it for the sweet view waiting up ahead.

Need to refuel your sense of inspiration? View the alumni messages below to learn the impact an OSU degree can have on your life.


In addition to the 200,000+ alumni cheering for you, your OSU community is here for you today, tomorrow and always with resources available if you are needing support in the following areas, among others:

Read Inspirational Messages from Alumni Below!

Thank you to the alumni who participated in this effort for spring 2024 by sharing your words of encouragement with OSU students. Your messages are truly inspiring - and sure make a huge difference.

Never cease to always do your best in all your capabilities throughout life's journey. Seek out a learning mentor or coach to help guide your career pathway. Thank you for all your hard work, research findings and athletic achievements. Congrats 2024! -Benjamin Clason, '19, '23

Dear grads, you are at the point where you know what you know and also what you don't know. Keep curious for the rest of your life and work on that second opportunity! Best of luck and remember to laugh every day. -Mel Vuk, '75

Congratulations! I expected the REAL world to be different than OSU. It’s not & it won’t be. There are poorly motivated people, poor managers & poor communicators awaiting you-just like in college. RISE above them. Constantly improve yourself. Stay positive. -Bob Polich, '78

Your OSU degree will serve you now and well into the future. It is very likely that the 'job' you imagined getting is nothing like the job you actually will have. Your career may go in directions never conceived of, but you will be prepared for anything. -Kristin Pintarich, '89

Almost there! Stay focused and get ready for the exciting next phase – entering the working world. Seek the truth in all endeavors and learn to make up your own mind. The OSU experience has prepared you well. Go for it! -Scott Sprague, '86

Congratulations! This is the end of your beginning. You have demonstrated you have learned how to learn, now apply that skill every day for the rest of your life. You are blessed to live in a transformative times, embrace it!  Best Wishes for Success! -Andrew Chrostowski, '83

Congratulations fellow Beaver! Cherish the moments you enjoyed on this wonderful campus and use them to inspire you to do great things. Dream big and do your best. Beaver Nation is cheering you on. -Marco Chavez, '03

Excited! That's what I hope you are. This is a time of transition, uncertainty and anticipation. Give those feelings a big hug. You've grown a ton in your time at OSU, and you're about to grow more. Relish that!  Congratulations, and GO BEAVS! -Pat Egan, '92

Congratulations! College is such a special time, but I truly believe your best years lie ahead. I wish you all a grand adventure and look forward to seeing the ways you improve our world and give back to your communities. -Jandee Wallis, '24

Hey Grads!  Always remember you can be the smartest person in the room, but if you do not have Emotional Intelligence and the ability to work with and "read" other people--you will be challenged!  Live your BEST life! -Bev Park

Nice one, grad. Just remember: it’s not just about achieving a goal, reaching a destination. It’s also about the journey. Luckily, you’ve picked up some skills. Maybe a good habit or two, and some friends. Now you have what you need for your own journey. -Pat Provant, '10

Congratulations on earning another step in life. I hope you can contribute to the world as many Alumni have before.. I think we all found that OSU prepared us well. I'll add that there's a good chance that you'll find your life's real love will change.... -David Beach, '67

Do what makes you happy. Be kind. Share your wisdom. -Buster Chapin, '85

Whatever degree you are graduating with, make sure you move into whatever is your “what’s next” with a combination of “I’ve got this” and “I have so many wonderful things to learn”! A great combination of present and future! -Robin Greenleaf, '81

The future starts now! I look back so fondly on my time at OSU and relish in the memories as I work at the job I dreamt of having when I was a student. Maintain your connections and friendships. You’ve only just begun! -Katelyn Pugh, '20

Congratulations! Be curious about the world and people. We can all learn from each other no matter what our education level or background. Choose to help others have the most positive day possible from your words and actions. -Ron Masters, '83

I got my Masters Degree in Counseling in 1986 when the program was transitioning from Western Oregon State College to OSU.  I am a proud Beaver and know that whatever your future holds for you, having a solid education from OSU will always be a plus. -Sharon Baugh, '86

I still remember to this day what it felt like to get that diploma and know that I earned it and no one can ever take it away.  So celebrate and be proud! -Steve Leep, '79

As you enter the world as a graduate, use what you have gained to make something better. Maybe not the whole world - that's too big. But your neighborhood, your workplace, your home life. OSU gave me a heart to serve and that is what I wish for you. -Josh Crowe, '11

Congratulations Class of 2024!  Be Proud of your hard work and accomplishments. -Christine Maynard, '23

Congratulations! You've just completed an important step in your life's journey. As you embark on your next step(s), it's good to have direction and focus, but also be willing to adjust and adapt as you go. And take time to enjoy life along the way. -Deborah Friedman, '75

Take the 24 hours in front of you and make the most of them! Don't worry about the what ifs and worries of the future, they won't likely ever happen! Remember to give back and serve others along your journey and enjoy the little things! Go Beavs!! -Michael Whitten, '12

You have every reason to be proud of your accomplishment. This is just the first of many amazing things you will do with your life. - Nancy Teeter, '77

Congratulations! You have just completed a huge accomplishment and you've proven to yourself, family and friends that you have what it takes to succeed. I hope it provides the confidence to continue pursing and accomplishing more in your future! -Valerie McKellar, '10

Congratulations to you from a fellow OSU graduate, Class of ‘04! Good luck and remember - we are stronger together. Those who walk the path before and after you can be your best teachers, and friendships forged at OSU are forever - GO BEAVS! -Lauren Silver, '04

You are doing awesome! Keep working hard and find a career you love to do. -Callie Enos

Find what you like to do. Find good folks to do it with. Help other people with your work. -Jim Haberman, '76

Congratulations on your achievement! May the excitement of what is to come propel you into your next new beginning. Give yourself grace as you pursue your dreams and goals. Many blessings on your next adventure! -Jenni Allemann, '12

BEaver forever kind! Once a BEAv always a BEAv! – Tracey Padilla, '80

Congratulations on this step forward into your new lives! Be brave and bold as you move through your lives and leave the world better than you found it! - Denise

This is your well-deserved moment -Congratulations! May you have great joy and success in life! -Stephanie Moret

1). Never stop believing in yourself (in the ups & downs you face). 2) Never stop learning. Feed off on your willingness to learn & try new things (with an open heart and to inspire others. 3) Be DAM Proud. We are all in this together! Go Beavs! -Andrew Barnard, '93 MS; '00 Ph.D.

Congratulations, you're learned how to learn. Don't stop. When you are comfortable, help others. Pursue your joy. -Richard Saylor, '70

I was very fortunate to obtain a degree in forest management and that led to a fulfilling career though at the beginning and sometimes in the middle it was tough. Keep at it, enjoy work as best you can. It can be hard to get a foothold. Keep dreaming. -Robert Lundblad, '77

I’m very proud of your achievement. This is just the beginning, keep going. Go get that master’s or doctorate degree. This is the time. I believe in you! Believe in yourself! Everyone has potential. Congratulations! Felicidades, tu puedes! -Cristina Garcia, '99

Look at how far you've come. No matter what you went through these past couple or few years, you persevered and accomplished your goal of being an OSU Graduate. You enter this world ready to start a new! Way to go!! -Constance Hardy, '20

Once a BEAV, always a BEAV! Congratulations on your graduation! The door has opened to the next chapter of your life, and OSU has prepared you in ways you don’t even realize. You’re going to be great wherever life leads you. Go out and do great things! – Andrea Hemborg, '03

While you’re worried about the future, trust your training. At first it will be hard, but remember that with every opportunity that arises, you are building your “lived experiences” and these will polish your craft. You’re not alone. -Ric Palazuelos, MAT '19

Go out into this world knowing you achieved a big accomplishment by earning your degree from OSU. Whatever your next step is, do it with passion, kindness and ferocity. Your actions matter and you can be the difference maker in someone else’s life. –Markus Boin, '20

YOU DID IT! Completing your degree is a huge accomplishment and you should be immensely proud of yourself. Your degree from OSU is just the beginning of an incredible journey ahead. Enjoy every minute! -Rachel Handy, '21

Your next adventure is about to begin! You will grow in ways you never imagined. Embrace the challenges that life throws at you and continue the adventure you started at Oregon State. Go Beavers! -Vince Van De Coevering, '87

Today is the day your life changes! You made it to the end of a long journey but every ending has a beginning. Today you will start a new dream, a new goal and move into a new chapter of your life. Love it, embrace and enjoy the journey. You did it! -Diana Lewis, '20

Work Well Done! You've completed your degree studies which gives you a strong platform to enter this work world today –– an opportunity to contribute to climate and social changes that so dearly need to be completed. Thank you for your hard work. -Stephanie Jones, '78

Welcome Beaver Alumni. Congratulations on achieving a college degree. Nobody can ever take that away from you and you have not peaked yet. Take that OSU hard work and lifelong connections with you into your next best thing. -Holly McKinney, '91

CONGRATS on graduating - what an accomplishment! Celebrate your achievements and enjoy time with family and friends! Your adventure is just beginning - embrace the good, bad and ugly because life is all about learning and growing as a person! -Sean Gordon, '13

Hey there, congratulations you are so close! 🎓 Just wanted to drop a small message to remind you to work hard, stay determined, and never give up. Success isn't always immediate, but your effort will pay off. You got this! -Armando De La Cruz, '23

Despite Covid challenges, you crossed the graduation finish line - GREAT JOB!! You now have many talents & are joining an amazing alumni network which will help you prosper in the future. Confidently climb the next mountain! Go Beavs! -Bob Bluhm, '82

Engage others with tact, diplomacy, and respect. Every person has some piece of knowledge and insight you can gain. Look beyond the here and now, consider what was, how it came to be, how it caused the now, what can the now become, and how to make it so. -Michael Miles, '80

Sge'-no, Greetings, My name is Michelle Cary and I am a member of the Seneca/Cayuga Nation of Oklahoma. Remember that you are not limited by the degree listed on your diploma, but, that degree will always have your back and take you far! I graduated in elementary education and taught little ones for 20+ years. And now, I am advising Native students at Central Oregon Comm. College and loving this chapter as well. Congratulations! Go and do amazing things! -Michelle Cary, '91

Congratulations on succeeding despite the hardships of COVID. Beaver friendships you've made here last a long time; do what you can to keep in touch with them as well as the faculty, staff and community members you appreciate. Be the model for the best of OSU wherever you go! -Brian Lee, '88

Congrats, You have a great degree from a great institution. I earned a B.S. degree in chemical engineering, earned three vice president's awards in the pharmaceutical/medical device industry, and I was accepted in medical school. -Chris Harding, '99

Once a Beaver, always a Beaver. Be the best you can be, the rest will follow. -Evelyn Gunardi, '99

It's an old saying, and may sound a bit too much like a cliché, but there's still a lot of truth to it: nothing worth doing comes easy. Earning your degree certainly couldn't have been easy (especially during these times), but you DID IT! Congratulations on making the hard choices, the choices to delay gratification, to work your butt off, to do something oh so worth doing! As a fellow Beaver alum, I'm so proud to have you join our exclusive ranks! =) -Beki Jones, '05

You are amazing. An inspiration to all of us. You have persevered through the most challenging of circumstances and it's your time to shine. Go move mountains with a giving heart and a resilient spirit. It’s what Beavs do. Congratulations! -Justin Smith

As you head out into the world, I want you to know that you are enough. Good enough. Kind enough. Capable enough. Driven enough. So don't back down from chasing the future you want to see and live in. -Julie Cooper, '18

Though I'm a UW alumna, I salute your perseverance and determination! Learning never stops. Keep on expanding your mind! -Joan Barmes, '85

When I moved across the world to pursue my MBA at Oregon State, it was quite overwhelming. I wasn't sure if it was for me. I second-guessed my decision numerous times. I struggled to fit in. Today, almost 5 years later, when I look back, I can't imagine not taking the path I ended up taking. It's a beautiful journey, and it's not just about education. You get to know yourself. The people you meet, the experiences you have -- they humble you. Embrace it. It is so worth it.  -Juili Tonape, '16

OSU doesn’t just offer you the chance of earning a quality degree, it offers you an exciting experience. Get involved in whatever interests you and carve your own path on who you want to be. Tons of opportunities await you now. You got this! -Patrick Riley, 21

Study hard. Play hard. Enjoy the beauty of the state of Oregon and the college experience. GO BEAVS!!!!  -Larry Langley, '72

It's been a very tough time to everyone, and I'm pretty sure all of you are very excited for the new school year. I studied at OSU from 2008 to 2013. I quite enjoyed my life back then not only being a Beaver but also the environment that OSU brings us. People at OSU have the most kind heart and willingness to help each other. Don't be hesitant to ask for help when you need it. I'm pretty sure there's always someone there with you. Good luck and Enjoy! -Yoyo Li, '13

Having an Oregon State degree brings opportunity in your career and future growth. Keep up the good work! -Veronica Allen, '89

I loved Oregon State because of the community it gave me. Being a part of Beaver Nation has continued to pay dividends long after graduation. The friends and connections I made through OSU are eternal. I hope that you enjoy the same successes. -Steven Fenaroli, '14

Cheers to a new start in Corvallis! Kick off the fall semester with a bang! Study hard and enjoy meeting new friends and taking in all that the amazing school has to offer - GO BEAVS! -Sean Gordon, '13

Hi there! Congrats on your hard work to get into OSU! And congrats on doing this during Covid and all the changes we've been through over the last 18+ months. I hope you are able to thrive at OSU like I did. I started in one major and changed to another. I am still working in that field of work and really enjoying it. I also met my wife while we were students at OSU. We have 3 kids and I'm grateful for what OSU has done for me in my career, family and life. I hope your journey is amazing. I'm sure you know there will be ups and downs, and sometimes those downs will define your a GREAT way. Be sure to try new classes and meet new will open up a whole new world for you like it did for me...I know it will. Take care, stay focused and have fun! Go Beavs! -Manish Gooneratne, '97

My degree from Oregon State has been the foundation for my career, and the experiences at OSU will always be a reminder that I can do what I set my mind to! -Casey Culham, '07

Enjoy the short years that fly by while attending OSU. It will go by in an instant, but the memories you make and people you meet will last forever. Take pride in building relationships with everyone you come into contact with and try your best to stay in contact with them. Go Beavs! -Michael Whitten, '12

Hello to all of you, my fellow Beavers! I had no idea my degree would lead to becoming an equal employment opportunity program manager, getting to encourage so many people of diversity. What a bonus! Stick with it. Your degree will do great things for you and for others -Kevin Kasnick, '86

This is just a little note to let you know: YOU ARE an amazingly awesome individual! You DO Matter! You ARE enough! YOU GOT THIS! Hold your head high and be proud of who you are and all you accomplish! Spread happiness like confetti to your fellow Beavers and you will also be rewarded. I am grateful you are here and so are your fellow Beavers! Take Care!!! -Sarah Martinez, '08

There are no easy paths to get to where you want to be, and that's what will make all your suffering, trials and tribulations worthwhile. So scream from the strength deep in your soul and run like crazy! You. Have. GOT. THIS! -Ajinkya Patil, '16

Welcome to Oregon State! This great new adventure has lots of exciting twists and turns. Will it be easy? Not all the time. Will be worth it? Yes! I encourage you to pause and reflect often, listen to different points of view, and be you. Enjoy this time and soak it in as college goes by fast. Enjoy the ride and, as always, Go Beavs! -Suzanne Flores Phillips, '05

You are enough. You are starting this journey at the crux of a new era! You can do this. You already have. Look for the resources around you and within you to help you get through!  -Nick Daily, '13

Hi there! I was a graduate student in what is now CEOAS in the 1970s. The best advice I received about graduate school's a passage not a lifestyle. Get in, get out. The skills required to successfully complete graduate school will support you your entire career. Wishing you smooth sailing! -Rhea Graham 

I wish you all the very best as you begin or continue your time at OSU. I was a student a long time ago, lol, but many things do not change... working hard, supporting friends, etc. -Timothy Jenks, '72

Hey OSU students, as the coronavirus continues to alter our lives, we continue to seek ways to reinvent the concept of community. You are blessed to have joined an institution which honors and respects the cultures of our communities. OSU has honored the wishes and concerns of previous students and alumni to support the development of these communities. Use them to connect with others that share the same culture. Explore them for their resources. Connect with others that understand you and support you. I invite you all to interact with the Klatowa Eena Alumni Network. We are here to serve all members of our OSU community, not just alumni. In fact, you are the most important members of our communities because you directly interact within the university daily. Let us know how to support you. I can be reached directly at Myself and all of the members of the OSU Cultural Center/Learning Community are here to support and assist you in any way we can. We are your community away from home. We know that you will be successful at our institution and add to the growing number of community alumni that are making a difference in correcting the issues, problems, and wrongs that we have all experienced within our neighborhoods, communities, reservations, villages, etc. Let us work together to continue the fight for equality, justice, and success within our communities. Enjoy your time at OSU and the resources it provides. And know the OSU Cultural Center/Learning Community will always have your back!!! -Orman Morton, '16

For the teen mom, single parent, first-gen student... you've worked SO hard to get here. Keep going! The hard work and studying will pay off. And Don’t forget to stand tall at graduation! Signed: A single teen mom, first-gen student, and now OSU alumni. -Alicia Bales, '14

Hi there! You're doing an amazing job. Think about where you were before and where you are now. You've gone through so much to get here and you did that by making progress forward one step at a time. It's all worth the effort and difficulties as it'll lead to a better and brighter future full of opportunities. You are strong and you can do this. Good luck :) -Denise Suter, '21

Wishing you well this academic year! Go out there and have your best year yet. Join a new club, pass that exam and don’t forget to set aside time for self care. Don’t be afraid to ask for help when needed. ¡Si Se Puede! Póngase las pilas y para adelante. Shout out to Gamma Alpha Omega Sorority Inc. 1993! Good luck, sisters! -Cristina Montes, '12

Your younger self would be so proud of how far you've come. Keep up the good work! Welcome to the OSU Alumni community! -Anna Shaw, '23

Write a story you would be proud of and have fun along the way. You have all the support from Beaver Nation!! -Cassandra Lozano, '20

Remember that college is a marathon, not a sprint! Take time to find the joy in the experience and during challenging times, remember to reflect on your “why” and know that you have got this! And there are so many people here at OSU to support you along the way! -Rebecca Badger

CONGRATULATIONS!  Let your degree be a reminder of your grit, your fortitude, your capability, your determination, and passion. Let this win give you the confidence that you truly can accomplish whatever it is you dream of. Lastly, let yourself CELEBRATE! -Paris Myers, '22

You will meet a lot of people in your life who will give you advice and tell you what’s best for you. Listen to them, but at the end of the day, do only what your heart tells you to. Have an amazing year, and I look forward to having you join us as an alumni with Vamos OSU Alumni Network! -Marcia Torres, '01

Welcome to the Beaver community. Take the time to learn about yourself, grow and make long lasting friendships. Stay motivated and go Beavs!  -Halli Barrios, '20

Now begins the rest of your life! -Ke'ala Barnard, '23

If and when you get homesick or miss being with familia - head to the Centro. Reach out to your comunidad and know someone there has your back. You belong here! La lucha sigue -Angel Mandujano-Guevara, '18

You’re so close to crossing that goal line! Power through and know that what’s on the other side is well worth all your hard work! Go Beavs! -Samantha Hiebenthal, '23

Si se puede! For me a degree at OSU meant freedom and possibility. You can do this! Great things await you. -Ana Lucia Fonsecatapia, '10

Stay strong and remember your “why” — why you started and why you want to finish. My degree from OSU formally affirmed and confirmed my potential to succeed in higher education, opened new doors, and introduced me to people not only across the U.S. but across the globe. Cherish your time as an OSU Beaver! -Patricia Vargas, '21

Know that you are leaders! You’ll accomplish beautiful things in life. -Muhammad Salar Khan, '17

An Oregon State degree means a high-quality education at a high-quality institution. It will open up immense opportunities in a competitive world and allow you to thrive in a global market. It allowed me to go to grad school and become more prepared for the future. Go Beavs! -Sean McLean, '20

Don't give up. Don't compare your journey to that of others. Things can be tough. Being a student and dealing with life challenges is a lot. Your education and your degree are an investment in yourself that no one will be able to take away. Remember you have resources and people to support you. -Hallie Price

I believe in you! What you are doing -- taking classes online and juggling other many important responsibilities in your life -- is a HUGE undertaking. There may be days when you wonder if it's worth it. I'm here to tell you ... it is! I have worked at Ecampus for over 20 years, and every year at commencement, I am simply in awe of graduates I meet. They share their story and how they overcame obstacles to cross the finish line. You will too one day. Never forget that you are investing in yourself and in your future. You are also an inspiration to others around you. Best of luck this fall term ... you've got this! -Jessica DuPont, '97

Remember you’re still evolving - keep pushing your boundaries outwards beyond OSU and into the broader community. Your past shouldn’t limit who you still can be. Remember to step off the beaten path whenever possible - you can do it! -Brittain Hill, '91

YOU will be the one to do the hard work. YOU will be the one who earns the degree. But remember: You won’t be alone at any point. There are teams and entire communities ready to support you along the way. Enjoy the journey. Celebrate accordingly. -Tyler Hansen

It won’t be easy, but it will be worth it. Remember today and each and every day that you are right where you belong - working toward your dream! Beaver Nation has got your back; just keep going! -Ali Duerfeldt

¡Si se puede! If it was easy, everyone would have a college degree. Don’t be afraid to try new things, talk to new people, get out of your comfort zone, and follow your dreams no matter how crazy they sound at the time. All the little sacrifices will pay off. Allow yourself to grow and become a better version of you. -Carolina Guillen, '20

Every chapter read, every assignment submitted, every test taken, makes you that much more equipped to go out there and make the world a better place for everyone. Go Beavs! -Nick Saemenes 

You are resilient. You are passionate. You've Got This! Have a wonderful semester ahead, and enjoy every last minute of class. -Jon Unger

You've got this! You are prepared. You are determined and you can do it. You have a whole team behind you and we believe in you! -Bethany Ulman, '11

As an international student, making the decision to study away from home was scary. However, I never felt like a stranger during my time at OSU. Everyone was friendly and welcoming. Cherish your time at OSU because it will go by fast. Good luck! -Abdulrahman Saleh Khamis, '15

As women, we can handle anything. Keep going, get that degree and keep showing the world what women are truly capable of in the workplace. I believe in YOU! -Liana Louie, '13

How can the tools you get from a broad education can be leveraged for a multitude of careers? At OSU I was an “unconventional” student; oldest in my class. I hadn’t planned to major in geosciences. I got C’s and D’s in STEM classes in high school!! One high school teacher wrote on my report card that I was, “…the gayest non achiever I have ever known.” I lived a few blocks from CEOAS and was interested in just taking one intro geology class. Then one more! It snowballed. To major in it, I was required to take physics, calculus, and chemistry in addition to the geology curriculum. Best thing that ever happened to me. Because I CHOSE to be there, vs being there because it was the default from high school, I worked hard and got straight A’s. I credit my success to the support of CEOAS faculty and to my co-students with whom I had study circles. We playfully competed against each other as well as shared everything we learned to make sure each of us achieved our individual best. Because of this rich experience I chose to prolong my education by staying in the department for an MS degree. I may not have gotten my dream job of geologic mapping and volcano research, but due to the depth of my education I am having the time of my life animating Earth-science concepts for an international earthquake consortium. -Jenda Johnson, '95

Welcome to OSU! May your time here bring life-long connections, new adventures, inspiration and the opportunity to be the person you have always wanted to be. Go Beavs! -Celene Blair, '11

It's fall term again at OSU. As you make your way through this term on campus, remember you are standing on the shoulders of the Beavers who came before you. We are here to support you in tough times and to lift you up in the great times. You got this! -Cindy Nair, '16

Welcome (back) to campus! Enjoy the fall colors, the football games and in-person classes with great professors. Go Beavs! -Katie Eskridge, '15

Enjoy your next 4 years studying hard and playing hard at OSU! Whether your on campus or not, you’ve made a great choice to learn and grow at OSU. Take advantage of all the opportunities that these next several years will offer you. GO BEAVERS! -Haidee Neiman, '76

Congratulations on getting this far in your education! Take a deep breath and be proud of yourself! We are very proud of you and what you've accomplished. Now go and be your fabulous self! -Lorraine Aho, '85

Congratulations! You have an amazing foundation for whatever your future holds. My degree from OSU not only signifies the hard work and dedication I've put in, but it also means I always have a home in Corvallis to go back to! -Jessica Cree, '06

You have navigated your way through unimaginable times. Beavers take note of their circumstances and improve the environment for themselves and those around them. Be a Beaver Believer and don’t doubt your resilience … You got this! -Karah Archie, '00

You are needed here. Stand in the face of your fears, doubts, and worries and manifest it all into your testimony. You are more than enough. Your community needs you, we need you. Lead the way! -Jonathan Riley, '09

Enjoy every moment; nothing is trivial. -Aarika Guerrero, '13

Welcome to the OSU Community! This week (and term) might seem a little overwhelming at first, but you've taken that first important step. I tried to remember this during my first term and found a lot of helpful folks along the way. I'm sure you will, too. You've got this! Have a great term! -Deborah Sipe, '14

Welcome back, Beavs. I know it has been one of the most unprecedented periods in about a century but as Beavs I know you’ve got this. Go Beavs!!! -Terence Chesire, '98

This first year feels both exciting and frightening with so many new experiences and challenges. Consider this note for the moments where you think you can't make it, that this isn't for you, or when the struggles seem overwhelming. Know this from someone who was once in your exact spot. You can do this! :) You have a community around you cheering for you, as your best days are ahead. Stay the course, don't give up, and ask for help!!!! With love from a older BIPOC Beaver who made it. -Tory Campbell, '00

Welcome to OSU! You have earned your spot here. Remember that. Enjoy your time, get involved, make friends, take chances and opportunities. The time goes by quickly! There are alumni who support you so get out there! -Sara Smith, '09

May your education bring you joy and prosperity.  All the best, Bruce -Bruce Hamilton, '66

My BS Poli Sci degree opened doors otherwise closed. I had offers to attend Ivy institutions. I'm in grad school now. You can get there. Took awhile between being a wildland firefighter. Stay focused, driven and have fun. -Benjamin Clason, '20

It may feel like you're just going through the motions. You may have even thought, what's the point? I definitely faced those same emotions during my time at Oregon State. But I'm so glad I stuck it out and finished my degree. It's led me to travel the world, try new things, start my own company, and recently, get hired for a dream job. Learning never stops and this is one of the big first steps. Good luck! -Jana Hodgins, '13

Life will give you joy but will also give you lemons from time to time. Be a fighter, you can do this and never give up. -Carrie Campbell, '21

There will be times when you feel like everyone else has a better handle on things, but looks are misleading. What you're doing is hard! Stay focused on what makes you happy, curious and fulfilled. You'll feel it when you're on the right track for YOU. -Julie Cooper, '18

Believe in yourself always and be proud of who you are now and who you are becoming! -Cheryl Cristello, '72

My degree from Oregon State prepared my mind for challenge. Working through an engineering curriculum is designed to be challenging. Finishing this degree was just the start in helping me find my voice. Eventually, I would go on to lead hundreds of people and be involved with exceptionally important work with the Department of the Navy developing sensitive technology. It all started at OSU! -John Richerson, '98

You are capable. You can do anything you put your mind to. You've got this! Go Beavs! -Karin Tierney, '19

Best of luck as you venture into the new academic year at OSU. While your days on campus can be challenging and may seem overwhelming at times, know that there is an entire community of OSU alumni cheering for your success and looking forward to the impact you will create in the future.  Go Beavs! -Derek Abbey, '99

Thank you for your endeavors to serve this country! You will make a huge impact on not only the US but the world. Stay strong and know you are greatly supported and appreciated. -Deirdre West, '91

Welcome! The memories I made at OSU are ones I will always hold dear to my heart. It is where I discovered who I am, and it led me to find my passion for teaching. I am forever grateful for my time at OSU— as I am sure you will be, too! GO BEAVS!  -Morgan Klupenger, '16

It sometimes seems that the road is just too difficult. Finances, relationships, expectations. You can do it. Have faith in yourself. You’re a Beaver. Show your grit. It will change your life forever. -Jeff Culbertson, '77

Hi Beaver! Welcome to OSU! Are your classes difficult, dorm food OK, still getting lost and meeting new Beaver friends? I loved being an Oregon State student. OSU made me who I am today. I got a great education, met lifelong friends and had a lot of fun. Best of luck to you! -Judy Laird, '59

Take advantage of all Beaver Nation provides, they’re here for you if you let them be. Make your college years something you will appreciate forever. Go Beavs! -Brooke Sorenson, '21

Hello Students... I could say you got this, but of course you do. Instead, remember this: The only time you will really feel stress in your life is when either you are trying to control time or time is controlling you. Be sure to carve out time for yourself this year so you can enjoy the journey! -Jeff Otis, '90

Education can be overwhelming at times, but being a Beaver is something you carry with you for life. That feeling is as strong today as it was 9 years ago crossing the stage in Reser. -Cam Larsen, '12

I am forever motivated by my driving passion to create a healthier future for companion animals, equine, and livestock. My Bachelor of Science in Animal Science helped set a strong foundation for my career in animal health. I am so proud to be part of the OSU alumni community. My time in Corvallis was some of the best years of my life, where I also met my college sweetheart, now husband. Immerse yourself in Beaver Country and all it has to offer. Get involved, sign up for clubs in your major. I encourage all students to take on impactful assignments. No matter how overwhelming, at the same time, it will challenge you to grow. Lean on your professors and classmates to keep motivation and you will be successful together. You’ve got this. Go Beavs. -Madison Wall Odomirok, '14

Learning what you DON’T want is just as valuable as discovering what you DO want (academically, professionally, socially, and everywhere in between). The hard work is worth it. Enjoy the adventure! -Dani Boyd, '15

I have always loved the great outdoors, hiking, and hunting. I moved to Corvallis, Oregon, from Atlanta, Georgia, to pursue my Bachelors of Science in Forest Operations Management. I spent a lot of time studying in Peavy Hall. I met my wife, and good friends all through the College of Forestry & College of Agricultural Sciences. I encourage all students to study hard. It prepares you for future careers and opportunities you never knew were possible. I am proud to be OSU Alumni. -Paul Walter Odomirok Jr., '12

You can do this. It’s a special and fun experience. I often look back at my own experiences with fondness and wouldn’t trade them for the world. -Maradith Durbin

WORK FOR IT. I saw this simple directive on a bumper sticker years ago and appreciated the message that's so applicable to so many situations. You want to graduate: work for it. You want a good relationship: work for it. You want to [fill in the blank]: work for it. You can do this; all you have to do is work for it. =) -Beki Jones, '05

Keep up the hard work! As a Beaver, that diligence is in your DNA! Looking forward to having all you current students as alums in the near future! Go Beavs! -Dan Henderson, '95

My parents always told me that I was going to college. I'd ask my mom, What college should I go to? She replied, You pick.  What should I take? I asked.  You pick, she replied.  Why should I go to college? I asked. Because your life will be much more interesting, she replied. She was right, and I have enjoyed every minute of it. -Leonard Rydell, '68

A little progress every day leads to significant results! Congrats on your achievements. As you move forward, remember the skills you acquired—resilience, perseverance, and optimism—when you faced challenges in that difficult class. You got this! -Jessica Reynante

OSU taught be to be confident in my abilities, to strive to succeed, to think without boundaries and to do my best to better my community and world. So many valuable lessons in those 4 years, both in and outside the classroom. Embrace change and live it up. Go Beavs!  -Melissa Gilley, '93

Have a great Fall Quarter, Beavs! Try something new, join a club, explore the town, hike the area. You've picked the best college town in the Pac-12. Congratulations! -Julie Lambert, '85

Welcome to a diverse and exciting world of possibilities! Whether you are working on a class project, attending a sporting event, or sharing a meal with friends, you are engaging in a long-standing tradition of inclusivity, community-building, and connection. Be proud of the work that you do and even prouder of the person you are becoming and the people you are living alongside. Rely on your support system and ask for help when you need it! -Katy Krieger, '14

The world needs people who are committed to learning, leading, and loving one another especially in this time of uncertainty. Do your best every day to impact the world around you! -Michael Conan, '16

Sometimes attending college isn't just about classes, it's about finding your friends and taking chances. I got involved in my sorority, Chi Theta Phi, and took on leadership roles, and it was a defining moment as a student and as an alumni that led to me pursuing a career in student affairs/higher education. Go Beavs! And whatever you do, find a club, fraternity or sorority, sport, resource center, student government, or other area on campus where you can find your people. It is so important and just adds to your academic experience. You've got this! -Madeline Frisk, '17

Stay focused and working hard. You're almost there. Finish strong and your efforts will be rewarded. -Steven Fenaroli, '14

Now is your chance to learn about more than just the field you think you want to pursue. Explore. I did and discovered the value of knowing a bit of many professions, and it vastly helped me in my career. It costs just as much money for easy course credits as challenging ones, but you gain so much more from the challenges. Why only study what you already know? I ended up with a rich and wonderful career spanning many fields and you can too! Folks you interact with, either in person or via electronic means, may become life-long associates. That I have experienced! -David Hackleman, '73

Be true to yourself and make your own decisions. -Matt Cyrus, '89

There will be highs of successful moments and there will be lows of failure feeling times. But the ability to stay level, be constant and resilient will make the journey worth it. My degree got me a foot in the door in the industry I love. I am thankful for that every day. -David Mevorah, '12

My degree made me feel accomplished, even if employers didn’t ask about it. My views on life and the world are more inclusive. -Lisa Burford, '79

Last year was tough having to do virtual classrooms. I am so glad that we are back in person this fall! Keep working hard and know that a college degree will help you throughout your life. I have personally experienced that in my career and personal life. Go Beavs! -Ben Kahn, '90

As an out of state & first generation student, I know how easy it is to feel overwhelmed these first couple weeks. Stay true to yourself, follow your gut, and take it day by day. You'll get there sooner than you think. I'm rooting for you. -Haley Davis, '20

Oregon State is something permanent in your life. Your degree is your ticket to the best alumni network around. Beaver Nation spans far and wide. Keep working hard and persist through the tough times. It will be worth it in the end. -Steven Fenaroli, '14

You will do well if the study regularly and ask for help when things get tough for you. -Jenean McKay, '63

Help is all around you at OSU. It might sneak up on you, so be on the lookout. Find a mentor – someone who gets you and lifts you up and tells the truth when you need to hear it. Mine ambushed me 46 years ago in a campus parking lot and made me apply to be Barometer editor. That led to a satisfying career that sustains me to this day. -Kevin Miller, '78

It’s okay to be scared. It’s okay to be nervous. But more than anything, be excited for this next grand adventure you’re about to embark on. -Caleb Chandler, '19

When I decided to join the Computer Science program in 1982, I had no idea what I was getting into. It was scary and daunting. And yet, after almost 40-years, I can tell you that it was one of the best decisions of my life. So, I am confident, that YOU, TOO, CAN DO THIS! -Sharada Bose, '84

Keep the faith in what you are studying. It will open up new horizons for you that you may not have imagined. It did for me. -Paul Freeman, '69

What does an OSU degree mean to me? In a word: everything. It means the lifelong friends I made in Corvallis, the lessons I learned both in the classroom and out of it, and the proof that your goals are always achievable if you put in the work. Congrats on your decision and enjoy the ride! -Andy Lasselle, '05

You got this! Will life put up roadblocks? You betcha! But think of all the obstacles you overcame to get this far. Remember, education is a journey completed one step at a time. Focus on the destination and you will achieve your goals. -Nancy Teeter, '77

Believe in yourself because no one else will believe in you more. Ask for help even if you are the most shy person in the room. I loved my time at OSU. It gave me the time to show my parents that I wasn't that lazy girl who sat in her room all day long. I showed myself I could achieve something more to make myself a better life in the future. You matter, your experiences are valid, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. -Payton McCoy, '21

As I earned my MS and PhD, OSU provided technical education and leadership experiences that led to 19 life saving drugs, basic science discoveries and a family of children leading in medicine and law and 9 grandchildren with fabulous gifts such as world-class music contributions. -Grant Schoenhard

It is going to be a wild and sometimes difficult but awesome ride. Focus on the little tasks in front of you, one at a time. Before you know it, you will pop out on the other side with the skills to achieve your wild and awesome dreams. Go get 'em! -Rhys Owens, '14

I know school can be hard while getting through all of the obstacles in life. But if you take everything day by day you will make it through and be so proud that you pushed through. It is a huge accomplishment and you are doing it. You’ve got this! -Frankie Bowers, '21

To me, my degree means I can help people feel successful in their health. I have the opportunity to create healthy communities using program planning and implementation to connect with those communities. Go into the community and build relationships with those around you, and you will help everyone be successful. -Ezra Affoumado, '21

Cherish and embrace the journey, even the boring days, the hard days. It won't always be easy but you will thrive. You are a part of something great, and each day is a part of YOUR history. We're so proud of you. -Matt Walton, '15

So proud of you all! You can DO this. I remember when I started at OSU, I was so unbelievably excited. These college years could really be some of the most memorable of your life. Get involved in clubs and activities, and make new friends. And always feel free to reach out for counseling support. It can make a huge difference. Be well, and take care. You are magic! -Annie Lesny, '18

Graduating with an OSU degree made all the difference in the world. It was the necessary first step in my professional ladder of life. Apply yourself now and you’ll be greatly rewarded later. Best wishes and my full support. -Gary Gustafson 

Two years and two months after graduation from OSU, I was on my way to Okinawa. The next year I was in Germany and a year after that, I was back in Okinawa! Thanks to the excellent teachers in the School of Education, I was accepted to teach in American schools for the Department of Defense. Today, at 79 years old, I have wonderful memories of OSU and my 26 years of teaching young children. Your time at OSU will take you anywhere! Be the best Beaver you can be! -Kaye Mushalik, '64

Keep going and don't give up! Remember that whatever you are going through, there is always hope. I am so thankful for my college experience. Make the most of it! You are one of a kind and are loved by so many. Don't give up, and go Beavs! -James Rand, '21

Hey, you lovely human. Like me, you're an Oregon State. You're going to do this. Finish this semester, graduate. So stay healthy, keep up the hard work. It will pay back, in doubles, triples, quadruples, ... well, it never ends. I know that in the depths, it seems like there's no end. But there is. Trust me here, though, being an Oregon State never ends. -Dean Moore, '86

An education from Oregon State is more than just a diploma. It's the start of a lifelong journey of bettering yourself and the world around you. Get out of your comfort zone to explore new interests and friendships. Most of all, though, get out there and have fun! -Erik Jaqua, '14

Welcome to another school year! Your dedication to your education and yourself is amazing. Working through the last few years hasn’t been easy. I thank you for what you are doing today to better yourself and for what you will do for the community in the future. -Patty Adams, '82

Take your studies seriously, but also make time to enjoy your college experience. Take in cultural events, attend sporting games, enjoy the beautiful campus and explore Corvallis and the surrounding area.  Make your time at OSU a well-rounded one! -Carri Ramsey, '83

Don't be afraid to fail, but learn from your failures. I changed schools three times and majors four times before I found my calling, and still graduated on time. Find good mentors. When your talents match your passion, that is success. Have fun, but remember why you're there! -Chris Wayne, '97

At times you will need to persevere but choose your goals wisely in something you like and you will never be dissatisfied. OSU and the associated alumni membership has done well for me. -Robert Hanson, '50

Welcome to campus, all first year and transfer students, and welcome back to everyone else! OSU is a beautiful campus with many educational and social opportunities. Be bold and embrace this academic year, and do all you can to connect with the university. I have many fond memories of my engineering education, which prepared me for my professional career. Enjoy and learn! -Jay Boatwright, '78

You're almost there! Just a little bit farther to go, and you'll be at your goal. I promise that it will be worth it in the end. Keep working hard and pushing all the way through the finish line. -Steven Fenaroli, '14

Keep up the great work! You have an entire family of alumni cheering you on. Your experience at OSU is about your education, but also about the connections you make that will elevate you throughout your life. Beavers are supportive and will help you be all you aspire to be. So keep going! -Michelle Van Slack, '04

If you feel that your major should not be your major – change. Do not quit!  You will be rewarded if you study hard to achieve your new goal. I changed majors and was happy I did, and happy with the results. -Paul Freeman, '69

Welcome new Beaver! Some of the students, staff, faculty, and townspeople you'll meet at OSU and Corvallis will be ones you'll carry with you long after. Enjoy the collegial climate at OSU.  Explore various courses and organizations. It's important to find out what you don't like, even if you're not sure what you do like and are good at. Be patient with yourself and have a great start in the Beaver Nation! -Brian Lee

Good luck this year! Take good care of yourself and the world around you but also remember to take a breath every so often. :) -Kim WB, '11

OSU was such an awesome experience. I was a transfer student from Montana State and spent two years at OSU. I love the wide variety of class selections and the beautiful campus. I was also a RA. My biggest advice is to join at least one club. It’s the best way to meet a variety of people. Have a great year! -Wendi Higginbotham, '92

An OSU degree means national recognition, networking opportunities, learning with and from the best, and developing a cohort of like-minded lifetime connections. Go BEAVS! -Erica Fruh, '99

Wishing you a great school year. Such a special time in life to advance your education while also learning more about your own passions and what you want to do in the world. Take advantage of all the opportunities; now is the time to take risks. Praying for a fun, safe and successful year for Beaver Nation! -Karli Plucker, '20

As you start your educational journey, just know every ounce you put in to your education will be paid back to you in ways you could never imagine. Investing in yourself is the best investment you could possibly make. Go Beavs! -Dawn Kosinski, '89

I’m so proud to say I’m an Oregon State University graduate. Not only because I have great respect for the school, but the Oregon State community is ONE of a kind. You will forever have a deep connection to this school, and you will always hold your head high when you say you are an Oregon State alumni. I feel so honored and blessed to have graduated from such an amazing school with such a great support system and community. Go Beavs!! -Natalie Myers, '98

I met many friends and future colleagues during my time at OSU, many amazing professors and classes too! Time flies and it was an amazing opportunity to spend my Masters years there, enjoy every minute! -Julie Doumbia, '10

Welcome/welcome back to Beaver Nation! Being a Beav is a honor and a lifelong commitment! I am so thankful for the memories made and lessons learned inside and outside of the classroom. OSU prepared me for the career I have today. My advice: get involved as much as you can, network, meet other Beavs, and make great memories. Your college experience is what you make it! -Milan Laurent, '13

You’ve got this! The late nights and sacrifices you make to accomplish your goals will be worth it. Just remember to balance your hard work with some fun! Life is short. Enjoy life as a Beav! -Erin Kokenge, '09

My nutrition and dietetics degree from Oregon State means that I get to be a Registered Dietitian working in a large hospital setting helping those in their most vulnerable time. Working with patients in the hospital, their family members and other interdisciplinary team members is so incredible fulfilling. Every day is different, every day has its own challenges. I feel like I truly make an impact in my daily work and with my community members. This pandemic has been especially challenging but being able to say that I get to wake up every day and help those who truly need it makes it worth all of the struggle it took to get here. Being a Registered Dietitian was my ultimate goal, my ultimate dream and I am proud to be an OSU alumni! -Taylor Kayfes, '15

Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. It happens! There are so many resources at OSU to support you along the way. If you need help, reach out! And have fun! College can be stressful but it should also be fun. Go Beavs! -Cory Badger, '93

The four or more years you spend at OSU may seem like a long time, but you will use what you learn and develop friendships that will be with you the rest of your life. It will be a source of pride for you and for your parents.  Do not lose sight of the goal. -Paul Freeman, '69

My years at OSU were the most formative years of my life -- take advantage of every social and educational opportunity and you will leave OSU with lifelong friendships & skills for a successful career!  Enjoy!! -Melodee Bluhm, '82

You are not alone. Everyone else is working hard to get through classes, balance their lives, and manage to find time to sleep. Keep focused, stay motivated, and work until the last final is finished. You'll be rewarded for the dedication. -Steven Fenaroli, '14

Congratulations Beaver! You've got this. Like our namesake - you are smart, strong, resilient, resourceful, and determined. Believe in yourself - you will not fail. -Janice Boatwright, '85

I got an FE degree and a MBA from OSU. My first job was in the financial district of San Francisco, followed by multiple jobs in forest products manufacturing and engineering, steel component manufacturing, a paralegal and finally a manufacturing engineering manager for multiple facilities. I faced many different challenges and a great variety of rewarding experiences. I credit OSU for giving me many of the skills to meet those opportunities. I am sure it will prepare you, too. -Paul Freeman, '69

Fellow Beaver, there are thousands of us out there cheering you on to the finish line! Your time at OSU will have such a positive impact on your future! You've got this and can always rely on us for encouragement & support! -Pam Johnson, '83

Thank you for being part of the Beaver family. Please know we are behind you and rooting for you as you embark on this year. Take care of yourself as you go, and take care of others when you have the opportunity. You are appreciated. Go Beavs!! -Paul Sutherland, '89

I look back on my days at OSU very fondly and the school is part of who I am. I hope that it becomes that for you too.  -Lee Hower, '73

Welcome to OSU. It is an amazing place. You will be a different and better person when you graduate. You will retain all of your good qualities, but also expand on and add to those qualities. You will also have over 200,000 alumni willing to help you achieve your dreams. -Rick Rush, '69

You are not alone. There are over 200,000 alumni cheering for you and supporting you. Ask for help, we are here for you. I had an awesome experience at OSU, and I know you will too. Have fun! Go Beavs! -Lori Rush, '78

You’re going to succeed! College was a time to explore and even doubt yourself but in the end it all works out! Enjoy the time, enjoy the relationships built, and enjoy Corvallis. You’ll never have the time when everything is within a 10 mile radius. Enjoy it and you will succeed. -Jessica Davidson, '18

You really can't hear this enough, but: You've Got This! I am SO excited for you to be starting a new school year with Oregon State. This place has brought so many fond memories - and I know it's going to do the same for you. Go Beavs! -Heather Doherty

Study hard to obtain the goal you have set for yourself and nurture the friends you make along the way. I have been friends with a classmate for over 50 years. We can still clearly recall OSU incidents from 1968/69, and we have traveled together and visit each other as frequently as we can. Friendships at OSU can last a lifetime. -Paul Freeman, '69

Good days and not so good days face you, but Beavers are dam good at obstacles! Eye on the prize, Beavs: graduation! -Jane Reeder, '17

Almost there! Stay focused and get ready for the exciting next phase – entering the working world. Seek the truth in all endeavors and learn to make up your own mind. The OSU experience has prepared you well. Go for it! -Kelsie Sullivan

I still think about my time at OSU on a regular basis. The beautiful spring blooms, the raucous fall football weekends, the seemingly endless rainy winter that forced us to become even closer friends. The last year + has been so tough, but you are all resilient and I can't wait to see the amazing things you will do! -Doug Kutella, '98

Welcome to campus, all first year and transfer students, and welcome back to everyone else! OSU is a beautiful campus with many educational and social opportunities. Be bold and embrace this academic year, and do all you can to connect with the university. I have many fond memories of my engineering education, which prepared me for my professional career. Enjoy and learn! -Jay Boatwright, '78

Hey fellow Beaver! Welcome to the new school year! OSU has opened so many doors for me and I'm thrilled you've chosen to join Beaver Nation!! -Jill Brown, '09

I started college weeks after 9/11 happened. Suddenly, the world felt a lot less safe, and no one knew what this meant going forward. The last year and a half have felt very similar to those times 20 years ago, and I am sure you have felt like this is not the college experience you were hoping for. It is how I felt then. What I will say is that these years will help shape you going forward but will not define you. There are a lot of positives to be mined during challenging times that will serve you well later. Try your best to find those nuggets while also enjoying a time in your life with new freedoms, responsibilities, and dreams that is unlike any other. Be safe, be respectful, be kind, and allow yourself the space to grow (i.e., make mistakes) by practicing empathy and humility. You got this! You really do. :) -Casey Farm, '05

Beavers are the hardest working, most kind and most generous people you will meet. This is your family and network. They are here for you now and forever, helping and cheering you on. Go Beavs! -Justin Smith 

Dear incoming students- you are embarking on one of the greatest journeys. Education is such a gift and a privilege and I hope you get out of it everything you put in and more. You could have gone to school anywhere, but you choose OSU. You are joining the ranks of the best our state has to offer - you smart cookie! My degree wasn't just a piece of paper on my wall- it provided me with skills and experience I use every single day! It doesn't matter if you are a student studying on campus or online- there are great opportunities for you. My best advice is to go to class and see your advisor every term! -McKenzie Huber, '10

College is about school and learning, of course. But it's also about meeting new people, having new experiences and learning about who you truly are. You can have a balance of everything if you want to, don't forget that. Enjoy the ride, it's the best time of your life! -Colin Huber, '10

Best wishes as you begin this incredible OSU journey. Study, make friends, study, get out of your comfort zone and take on leadership opportunities, and study! This is your time… make the most of it. Welcome to the OSU family! -Candy Pierson-Charlton, '73

It's been a rough last couple of years, but that's no reason to stop working hard. All of us fellow Beaver alumni can't wait for you to join us. You can do it!  -Tony Lee, '13

Hi Beaver! By now you're getting used to being away from home (sure you miss home-cooked food). Can you find your classes without getting lost or made some new Beaver friends? I loved being an Oregon State student. I had great classes, was active on campus and met lifelong friends. Best of luck to you! -Judy Laird, '59

Can you believe another school year has arrived? Wishing you the happiest moments of your life here at Oregon State. All of us in Beaver Nation are thrilled you are here. -John Valva

Oregon state provided some of the best and most challenging times of my life. Yet, when I look back at my four years, I only remember the fun. I credit my success to the challenges and late nights studying that I often forget. All that is to say, power through the tough times and remind yourself during them, this is only a moment, it will get easier and future-you will thank you for all the hard work that’s been replaced by memories of the good times. GO BEAVS! -Tyler Forst, '11

I look back on my days at OSU very fondly and the school is part of who I am. I hope that it becomes that for you, too. -Lee Hower, '73

You come from a unique perspective in history. Take on this new chapter with an extra appreciation for the everyday gifts of coffee with a friend, the roar of a full crowd at Reser, the anticipation of in-person classes and the wonderful experiences unique to our beautiful OSU campus. Enjoy the fall beauty and remember to breathe when things feel tough. -Gabrielle Homer, '88

You’re about to experience the fastest and most significant evolution of yourself in these next four-ish years. Be open to that change and all possible new connections, and don’t be afraid to reinvent yourself. -Ioana Cosmin, '21

YOU GOT THIS. I know sometimes you feel like giving up...don't. You are making a huge investment in yourself. It might not seem like it now, but your degree will mean you have more flexibility to choose jobs, choose where you live, and will make you that much more marketable. I know it's tough: it took me seven years to get my degree as a single mom at age 17, but I did it. My faculty and academic advisors were huge supporters, and they can be for you too, if you reach out. We're all here for you; we believe in you; and we can't wait to see you at the finish line :) Go BEAVS!! -Faith Vawter, '06, '08

Welcome back! As classes get underway, be sure to take advantage of all of the great opportunities around you. From cultural events to supporting athletics — grab some friends, get involved and have fun! You've got this! -Trudy Hylemon, '94

Remember all the hard work you have put in to get to this moment. Continue to work hard, believe in yourself and remember you are not alone. An OSU degree can open all sorts of doors for you, so stay strong and remember, you got this! Good luck!  -Erin Wilson, '14

Hey, I’m a 1986 Beaver grad. One thing that hasn’t changed in 38 years: You’ve done it! The future awaits you. Never forget those who paved the path you walked, but now it’s time to pave a new path, so future students will never forget *you*. -Dean Moore, '86

You've got this! Obtaining your degree WILL make a huge difference in your life. The knowledge your receive and the relationships you build will lay the foundation for your future. Take it in. Enjoy the day. And know that your future is bright! -Marc Welker, '92

I wouldn't be where I am today without my experiences at OSU. It is often an uphill battle, but the views from the summit are definitely worth it-- keep up the hard work! -Tara Pesterfield, '18

When I first stepped onto OSU's campus I had no idea what a formative experience it would be. I can thank OSU for some of my closest friends, my career and even the chance to meet my wife and start a family. Perseverance pays off, and make sure to take time to enjoy the journey. -Aaron Kerosky, '12

Last year was tough, but you’ve made it this far! Keep pushing to the end and make it all worth it! -Minnette Tiamsic, '20

Hey beavs - Welcome! You are now part of the OSU Beavers family. Hope you have the most amazing college experience and memories to last a lifetime. And if you ever feel a little down or lost, remember to reach out for help and advice and a little pick-me-up from your peers, friends, faculty and staff, and 210,000 + alumni across the world - we are all here to help you succeed and YOU GOT THIS! Go beavs! -Mamta Chowdhury, '18

Being a Beaver means being part of a community of lifelong learners who are also immensely practical, building the future together. You belong here -- welcome to the community! -David Noor, '96

You've made it this far, so take a bow for all of the hard work that got you here in the first place. And now, you're about to take it to the next level. Take a look around you - this campus is full of people whose job it is to help you be successful. Beaver Nation (both current and alumni) is pulling for you. You got this! -Jeff Davis, '89

Have fun; make new friends and memories. New can be scary but it's also a really good thing. My Business degree proves to employers that I am coachable and capable. BE coachable and capable and you'll be fine. -Ian Maarefi, '12

I am so happy for you that campus is open again and you will be able to experience college and campus life. Congratulations for being there! You have achieved so much by just getting there and have so much more ahead of you. These are the days you will remember for a lifetime. Enjoy them and make memories you can't wait to share. -Jodi Rosenberg, '90

I am not an OSU alumna, but I’ve worked at OSU for 30+ years. YOU are the reason I love my job. Thank you for inspiring me and making me proud of our university every single day. Have a great year! -Molly Brown 

All the best as you begin or continue your educational pursuits at OSU. As beneficial and important as the classroom is, don't forget to be part of the overall university experience by taking in and enjoying all of the extracurricular activities that are available to you, too. What a great time I had at OSU and I wish you the same! Go Beavs! -Brad Huggins, '77

Every challenge in school and life is a learning opportunity - I am grateful for the tough times as they made me the resilient person I am today. Be kind to yourself and keep pushing yourself forward, you'll get there! -Saskia Madlener, '14

Welcome to a new year Beavs! Make sure to have balance throughout your term. Do your best in school, make new friends, and take care of yourself. Take in this wonderful chapter of life as you go! Good luck this year, you got this! -Elizabeth Gangwer, '20

Congrats on starting the school year! When it gets hard or feels impossible, know we're all rooting for you! And when it's going well, celebrate! Enjoy your time learning, meeting new people, and relaxing in your free time. Wishing you all the best! -Abigail Beers, '13

When I started college in 1964, I thought I knew exactly what I wanted to be and for two years pursued that goal. At that point, my thinking of the ideal job changed and so did my major. The pre-engineering courses I completed opened up many alternatives at OSU and, coupled with a MBA, offered opportunity way beyond my first vision. Stay focused, it will pay off. -Paul Freeman, '69

Welcome to OSU! At OSU, I earned a valuable degree, developed vital teamwork and leadership skills, and found many lifetime friends! Bottom line, my years at OSU were some of the best of my life and I know yours will be too! Go Beavs! -Bob Bluhm, '82

No matter what happens in life, you will always be proud that were disciplined and driven enough to earn a college degree. It's a compliment to your character. The Beaver community has continued to be a valuable resource for me even after graduation, so know that OSU always has your back! So many of us miss being a student once we graduate so enjoy it! You got this! Alums will be waiting to welcome you! -Casey Anderson, '13

My time at OSU set the trajectory for my life. I learned so much and fell in love with the natural beauty that surrounds us here. I use what I learned as an Environmental Science major to inspire and educate others to appreciate and protect our world. -Kendra Callahan, '95

In 1969, I was drafted due to the Vietnam War. But I ended up in the US Public Health Service as a Civil Engineer graduate. This started my career in environmental health and eventually Oregon Water Law. Very happy with how things turned out - I never imagined this outcome. Life can bring amazing surprises and outcomes. -John Borden, '69

Welcome to OSU!! Take a moment to take in all the feels; the excitement, the anxiety, the unknown. There are so many new friends, new ideas and new experiences in store for you. Enjoy the journey!! -Kim MacLean, '06

Congratulations on your decision to attend Oregon State!! I got my start in Corvallis in 1974 after feeling lost and detached due to the social change and upheaval of the late 1960's. I drifted for several years but when I got my hands on an OSU Catalog while living in Eugene, I began to see the possibilities for me. I enrolled in the Fisheries and Wildlife program and it changed my life in so many wonderful ways!! I am confident that OSU will be your foundation for a richer and more exciting life! -Jim Esch, '79

We retired to Corvallis, and part of what we love about our new home is getting to know all the amazing students like you. You give us hope for a bright future. Thank you for being a part of what makes OSU and the Corvallis community so special. We’re glad you’re here. Have a great year! -Brenda and Butch Brown

If you’re reading this, you’re somewhere along your college career journey at OSU. Your degree upon graduation will put you in a wide community of alumni and will open up so many avenues in the next phase of your life. I urge you to think now about what you want that avenue to be. You are in such an exciting spot right now to shape the career you desire and there’s no better spot than Corvallis to help push you in the right direction. Keep going! -Mike Zupan, '15

WELCOME! You are now a member of Beaver Nation! This expansive network stretches far and wide. Because of your choice, your dreams are limitless. Stay focused, stay driven and your hard work will be rewarded. -Steven Fenaroli, '14

"Don’t be too worried about pursuing the career, but rather find the things that interest you the most and pursue that. This way you never feel like you’re working. It’s more like having hobbies you get payed for. Finally, don’t ever lose the spark to continue learning, especially after graduation. -Gregory Becker, '15

Welcome back to the beautiful OSU campus! Work hard on your studies, so you have no regrets when you graduate. -Richard Marston, '80

My bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering from OSU got me started--it was the diving board to launch me into so many exciting opportunities. It taught me to think big, dream big and start small. You will learn so much about yourself as you achieve your degree that can take you further than you would have imagined. Breathe, slow down, take it in-- you got this! -Kelsey Strand, '17

Hey students welcome to Beaver Nation! While going to class is important be sure to check in with your academic advisor. They can help you with internships, research opportunities, and volunteering in your community. Make new friends, hydrate, ask questions in class and make good choices! -Kim McAlexander 

Beginning with my Oregon State degree I started out a career in my chosen field. It was 15 years later that I was re introduced to OSU career services. With their guidance and suggestions, I took my career to the next level. I got a promotion that helped see my family through the pandemic. While others were falling behind, this Beaver moved on. An Oregon State education will stand behind you. Priceless. -John Schilp, '03

The things you learn and people you meet at OSU will open many doors for you in the future. When things get tough, keep going. You can do it! And also ask for help. At OSU you are surrounded by people who want to see you be successful. None of us got to where we are alone, so reach out to others. Wishing you all the best. -Alex Aljets, '10

I want to take a minute out of my day back on the east coast and welcome you to OSU! You have made a great decision that will have a positive influence on you for the rest of your life. OSU is a fantastic place to make new friends, study (of course), and engage in some of the countless activities on the beautiful campus and in the surrounding community! I am like thousands of other alums who truly love this place. I believe that you will too! Enjoy! -Jeff Guterman, '81

Welcome to Fall term! I wish you success at OSU this year and beyond. I always liked returning to campus after summer, with all of the fall activities going on. GO BEAV’s! I hope you’ll soon join me as a proud alumni, my degree has served me well. -Shannon Walker, '88

You've got this and it will be worth it! The connection that I feel with my fellow Beaver Alumni is real and profound. Beavers work hard and the degree you are working for is earned with hard work and determination. We can't wait to welcome you to the ranks of Beaver Alumni. -Tim Holl, '92

Work hard. Have fun. Be open to change. I profile successful Beavers for a living. Few found their ultimate success in the area they first focused on at OSU. Don't be afraid to follow your passion, even if it's not that thing you always thought you'd do for a living. (And don't forget that part about having fun.) -Kevin Miller, '78

Hi Beaver! By now you're accustomed to dorm food (not like home but not too bad either), found your classes without getting lost and met some new Beaver friends. I loved being an Oregon State student. I feel like I got a great education, met lifetime friends and had a lot of fun. Best of luck to you! -Judy Laird, '59

Attending college and getting good grades is not easy. It is challenging and hard work, but it will be very rewarding when you finally achieve your goal. You will not regret your effort. -Paul Freeman, '69