Dam Proud Day Student T-Shirt Design Contest

Dam Proud Day 2024 logo.



Dam Proud Day is coming up — April 24, 2024 — and it’s time to design the official Dam Proud Day T-shirt!

What is Dam Proud Day?
Dam Proud Day is Oregon State University’s giving day, the annual 24-hour celebration of the Beaver community’s generosity and impact on students, faculty and staff. On Dam Proud Day in 2023, Beavers gave 7,700 gifts totaling $2.1 million in 24 hours! 

What is the Dam Proud Day T-shirt contest?
This year, students from across Oregon State will submit designs for the official Dam Proud Day T-shirt. A judging panel will confirm all designs meet the guidelines and choose the top three finalists. Finally, all OSU students will get to vote on their favorite from the finalists.  

What am I designing?
Students will design a unique T-shirt that responds to this creative prompt: What comes to mind when you think of being Dam Proud of Oregon State?  

Why should you submit a design?

This is a chance to get involved with the mission of Oregon State and influence the greater Beaver community. Dam Proud Day and the T-shirt are a key part of how we raise awareness and inspire giving towards student scholarships and programs.  

Your unique design will be printed on 1,000 Dam Proud Day T-shirts worn across Oregon State! Plus, you qualify for these amazing cash prizes*:  

1st place: $1,000

2nd place: $500

3rd place: $250



What are the design requirements?

  • You must be a current Oregon State student; we welcome submissions from all students, including from Corvallis, Bend, Portland and Ecampus. 

  • All designs must be submitted by 11:59 p.m., March 1, 2024, via the form below.

  • Design must include these phrases, in some capacity: 

  1. Dam Proud Day  
  2. April 24, 2024 

  • No premade OSU logos are permitted. The official Oregon State logo will be printed on the sleeve of the shirt, so no need to include this in your design. 

  • The T-shirt itself will be orange, and there are two ink colors: black and white.  

  • Your design will be printed on the front of the shirt and should be 10-12 inches wide and 10-14 inches high. 

  • Your submission must be in jpg or png format. If your design wins, you will need to submit an Adobe InDesign file. 

  • Illustrations of Benny the mascot are permitted, but designs must closely match the on-field costume.  

  • Parody or mimicked designs are not permitted. All artwork should be original.   

  • Oregon State trademarks may not be used in any manner that suggests or implies Oregon State University endorsements of products, services, political parties or views, or religious organizations or beliefs.   

  • Oregon State trademarks may not be used in connection with illegal drugs, tobacco, gambling, inherently dangerous products such as firearms and explosives, or sexually suggestive products or language.  

  • Oregon State University will not approve art that taints or undermines its goodwill. 

  • All designs must meet Oregon State brand and trademark licensing guidelines here.
    These are detailed and thorough! Read them before you start on your design so you don’t have to scrap any great ideas!  


Submit your design as jpeg or png here.

Questions? damproudtshirtcontest@osufoundation.org   

*All cash prizes will count as declared income on tax returns. 


Be creative! 



Photos and videos from this event may be used in Oregon State University promotional materials. By attending this event, you consent to have your photo taken and appear in videos and allow use of these photographs and videos by OSU, the Foundation or the Alumni Association for promotional purposes.



