Polar Marine Science Endowed Faculty Scholar in the Marine Mammal Institute

The gift honors the friendship Marian and her late husband, Steven Brown, enjoyed with former director of the Marine Mammal Institute, Bruce Mate, and his wife, Mary Lou Mate. Marian’s generosity also pays tribute to the passion she shared with her husband for animals and marine science: together, they founded, owned and operated Animal Medical Care of Newport, Oregon from 1976 until Steven's death in 2012, when they passed on the mixed animal mobile practice to one of their four children. Steven also served as veterinarian of the Oregon Coast Aquarium in Newport from its opening in 1992 until his death. He worked closely with Oregon State University staff, co-authoring several veterinary medical publications with them. Steven had always nursed a dream of becoming a marine biologist and helped Bruce on several whale tagging technologies for his pioneering research. The Browns went on multiple Baja gray whale expeditions hosted by the Mates.