Y. Sherry Sheng and Spike Wadsworth Garden Biodiversity Professor
Since 2005 Sherry Sheng has been one of the Master
Gardener Program's most active volunteers, playing a leading role in the development of its 10-Minute University program and guiding a successful voter campaign to form an Extension Service district in Clackamas County. Extending her passion for gardening, she has
made arrangements through her estate to support a professor in the College of Agricultural Sciences. The fund will support the professor's research in gardening practices that "build soil, conserve water, grow food for people and wildlife, and nurture the human spirit."
Born and raised in Taiwan, Sheng lives in West Linn, Oregon, with her husband, Spike Wadsworth, who graduated from OSU in 1960. Now retired, her career highlights include service as deputy director of the Oregon Economic Development Department and as executive director of the Seattle Aquarium and Oregon Zoo.