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A 1932 logging engineering graduate, the late Loran L. "Stub" Stewart went on to a distinguished career in the timber industry.
The son of LaSells Stewart, a successful self-taught engineer who never completed elementary school, Stub put education at the top of his list of priorities. He served three terms in the Oregon legislature and seven years on the State Board of Higher
Education. He was the first chair of the OSU Foundation's first donor recognition program, the Presidents Club.
Stub and his brother Faye generously supported their alma mater, and together established the Stewart Professorship for Gene Research in the College of Science. Among other gifts, Stub made a $500,000 estate gift to create the L. L. Stewart Faculty Scholars Program.
Established in 2005, the L. L. Stewart Faculty Scholars Program recognizes outstanding Oregon State faculty and provides resources to stimulate creative advancements in teaching, research and extended education. The Stewart Faculty Scholar is selected by the OSU president.